
Helping patients with misaligned teeth using orthodontics in Edgware

Did you know that having to live with misaligned or crooked teeth is one of the most common issues amongst adult patients living in the United Kingdom? Yet there is absolutely no need for any adult in the UK to live with this condition any longer than they need to. Tooth alignment treatment is more widely available than ever before, and modern treatments have been developed to meet the needs and demands of adults and provide patients with the desired results.

Many adults who are living with crooked teeth may have been offered treatment to align their teeth during their teen years, but they may have decided not to engage with treatment at a stage in life where they may have felt extremely sensitive about their image. Many of these adults may then go on to investigate the idea of having their teeth aligned when they are at a later stage in their lives and feeling more confident about the way they look and who they are or wish to be.

We at Katz and Madhok Orthodontics are here to help adults gain the aligned teeth they are looking for via the services provided by a modern orthodontist in Edgware, this will help these people grow in confidence as well as achieve higher standards in their oral health and hygiene.

Resolving common issues associated with misaligned teeth

One of the main issues associated with misaligned or crooked teeth is poor oral hygiene standards due to the teeth being difficult to navigate fully with a toothbrush and this can make keeping the teeth fully clean hard to achieve. This can then lead a patient to experience an increase in the number of occurrences of common dental issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, or plaque buildup.

The orthodontist in Edgware can help to straighten the teeth and make cleaning them via brushing a much smoother process, this should then lead to improvements in the patient’s standards of overall oral health and hygiene.

Many patients whose teeth are not perfectly aligned may find that they experience weakness in their bite; this can make eating some foods hard work as they may struggle to bite, rip, or chew food effectively. By having the teeth straightened, strength can be built back into someone’s biting ability, this should then help them to eat any foods they struggled with in the past without any difficulty.

Finally, there are many speech impediments that have their root cause in the alignment of someone’s teeth, such as a stammer or stutter. By straightening a person’s teeth they may find that any speech problem they have suffered from for a long time is alleviated and they can look forward to a life without any previous issues.

The use of modern treatment

You may be an adult who has decided that you wish to investigate their tooth alignment options by visiting an orthodontist in Edgware, as you want to make a positive change in your life and improve your oral health and hygiene. You should contact your local dentist or orthodontist to arrange a consultation where your needs can be assessed and your option can be discussed, this should lead you to find a treatment that you feel suits you best and that you are confident to move forward with.

Katz & Madhok Orthodontics is a specialist orthodontic practice located in North West London. The practice has been operating for over 30 years.